The Big Thaw

The Big Thaw

After a couple weeks of schizophrenic weather patterns,
things finally settled down by Sunday...
giving us a breezy and partly sunny day here on the farm.
We are finally almost completely thawed out.

Sunday was a perfect day for....

taking mini horses

for a walk.

(We tried to take the donkeys, but they said "no thank-you"...
and as you know....when donkeys say something, they mean it.
Y.e.s. T.h.e.y. D.o. !)

Amanda danced with turkeys...

walking them back to their enclosure for evening's arrival.
(It keeps them moving if you flap your "wings"!)

We visited with Ginger and MaryAnn...

who are always happy to entertain guests.

(That's MaryAnn saying "hello" in Pig)

Ginger came right out to see us...

We brought the refreshments!
MaryAnn likes her drinks straight from the sprinkling can.

They brought the smiles!
They especially love visits from the dogs.

The temperate weather gave us a chance to clean out chicken coops
and install new watering systems.
I am so excited about these new waterers.
They are from a company called "Cheery Chicks".

The water tank is completely sealed...keeping the water clean and fresh.
When the chickens peck at the little red valves
(which I am happy to say they did)
fresh drops of water are delivered right into their mouths.
I can't tell you how time saving these waterers will be.
They have lids with and without heating elements,
so they will be perfect for the entire year.

Prior to this, I have had to change the chicken waterers several times daily,
because invariably one of the girls would leave her calling card in the waterer.
Foul fowl!

- A Visitor
We had a welcomed visitor at the farm last evening...Amanda came for a visit.(You might remember that Amanda got married and moved to Philadelphia this past summer.)Ginger and MaryAnn were quite happy to see her and came out to greet her. Before long...

- Cabin Fever
The mercury is on the rise. Even though it is still below freezing, compared to a couple of days feels like a heat wave!! Everyone is enjoying the sun.O'Malley and her son, Donald, were basking beneath the hay feeder... It's always...

- H2o And Snow, Snow, Snow
I am sure by now you are well acquainted with MaryAnn and Ginger,our Kunekune pigs.These two girls are so full of personality,and have so many funny little habits. Every day, on one or more of my trips to the pigpen,I clean and refill their water buckets....

- January Quietude
After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season,it was wonderful to be able to enjoy a quiet weekend at home. Most of Saturday we spent indoors.I finished one quilt top  and started another, while Hubbs caught up on his reading. Sunday morning...

- Between The Raindrops
Yesterday brought heavy rain showers,so morning chores were done in rain gear.At some point you have to just decide that you are going to get wet...and go with it! Most of the animals chose to stay under cover(except the horses, of course.... a monsoon...

