The Cats' Diary

The Cats' Diary

September 9, 2007
Charybdis has gotten in all sorts of trouble today. She kept knocking Mommy's perfume over and dragging off the shiny things Mommy calls jewelry. I have been a very good girl today. I think Mommy is about ready to forgive us for running off into the woods. Mommy says I was the instigator, it's tough being the boss you get blamed for everything. Mommy has been outside weeding most of today, I am glad she finally came in to get something to drink so I could blog. ~Scylla

September 12, 2007
I have been a very bad girl today. I jumped up on the shelf and knocked Mommy's pretty vase off. She was really scared it was broke because it belonged to her Grandma, but it managed to survive the fall. I was unhappy because Mommy yelled at me and called me a bad girl, she hardly ever yells.

I also caught a moth this morning. Daddy took it away from me, and helped it escape. ~Charybdis

- Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment
Almost at the finish line. Monday I had my second Immiticide Injection and and today I will get the Third Immiticide Injection. So glad I was well enough to continue treatment. Mommy and the vet both agreed I would be happier and more relaxed at home...

- Fenris & Femme Friday
Mom, I almost caught the squirrel, did you see? did you? Oh Hi everybody you want to walk with me? There are lots of interesting things to smell, squirrels, rabbits, cats........ I gets to tell you 10 things I likes today. Laying in Mommy's lap. Playing...

- Fenris ~ Day 1 & 2
(Monday)It was late when we got home. Mommy took me in the backyard and gave me some food and water and when I was through eating we walked around the backyard together. We kinda deviated from Cesar's advice because 1.) Since I was neutered that...

- Scylla & Charybdis ~banished
We didn't make the mess, honest. But it's an awful lot of fun to play in the groceries until Mommy can get them put away. Especially when she brings home boxes. We LOVE boxes. Scylla tried to catch the water coming out of the hose, she got a...

- The Cats' Diary
September 1, 2007 In case you wonder why Scylla's name is aways first, it's because she is the boss. Mommy says we are very spoilt kittens. We have no idea why she says this. We have been having fun this morning sitting in the jungle gym. Mommy...

