The Great Explorers Yin and Yang

The Great Explorers Yin and Yang

Where is Mommy going.

Maybe we should follow her.

I thinks we need to hurry, she is getting away from us.

These leaves sure do look like they would be fun to play in.

I better ignore them if I am going to catch up with Mommy.

There is something to pounce on.

Maybe instead of catching up with Mommy we could just play here.

Sounds good to me.

I can see her from here.

Tuiren dug a nice hole for me to lay in.

Maybe I'll just make it a little bigger.

What's that Fenris, we aren't suppose to dig. ~Yin and Yang reporting for ATCAD

*PeeS: For those wondering Mommy went over to the Greenhouse to do some stuff, we eventually went over there too after we got tired of playing under the Sycamore Tree.

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