The Last Little Drops of Summer

The Last Little Drops of Summer

It always amazes me how so many of you live so far away,
and yet, each day you drop by our little farm here in Pennsylvania for a visit.
When I picture where you live, I think about the weather that you are experiencing that day.

Yesterday I thought of the snow that was forecast for the Pacific Northwest.
And I breathed a sigh of relief that that snow was so many miles away from us!
Here in PA we are enjoying Indian Summer this week.

With the return to warm temperatures, I felt the need to get a little garden work done.
The rock garden that I planted this past spring was in need of one last weeding
before Winter arrives.
Here it is now....

a stark contrast to what it was this Summer....

While weeding, I was serenaded by this fellow....

Elton is the most unusual rooster.
Unafraid of the dogs and the cats, he seems to prefer human company over chicken company,
and always hangs out close to where I am working.

while these two wrestled behind me....

Hickory took a nap in the gator...

and Maddie chose a shady patch of grass....

I planted a dozen iris tubers that will bloom next Summer.

Although I love the change of seasons,
I do miss the gardens when Summer leaves us and heads south. 

Moonbeam, on the other hand prefers the cold weather,
and would most likely be happiest back in the Austrian Alps,
the birthplace of his ancestors.

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