Zen And The Art of Pig Maintenance

Zen And The Art of Pig Maintenance

Our Sammy is an unusual dog.
Some days he is all about the fun.
Some days he is just Zen.

MaryAnn:  "Hey Sammy..."
Sammy: "Yes?"

MaryAnn:  "Wanna play?"
Sammy:  "No, I'm meditating."

MaryAnn:  "Come on, Sammy...let's play!"

MaryAnn: "Psssst....Sammy... down here...."
Sammy:  "Yes?"

MaryAnn:  "Play with me Sammy!"

Sammy:  "Meditating....."

Sammy:  "Can't a guy get a little peace and quiet?"

MaryAnn:  "Ok, I give up."

PS:  GeorgiaHoneyBee....email me here and I will give you some chicken tips!!!

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