The Objects of His Desire

The Objects of His Desire

Our hayfield is finally mowed and baled.
Happily, this time I didn't have to do any of it.
Sadly, this cutting is going to a local dairy farm to feed cows,
not staying here to feed our horses.

We have never successfully harvested the first cutting of the year.
Weather in the spring and early summer is not conducive to drying hay.
Hopefully we will be able to harvest a cutting in the late summer...
if we get any rain along the way!

I have been thinking lately about some of the spaces around the farm
that I have lovingly created as peaceful refuges.
I love creating welcoming spaces.
One of my shortcomings is, however, that I don't spend enough time enjoying these spaces.
I am turning over a new leaf.
I am dedicating a piece of each day to relaxation,
in places like this....

Last evening I sat with a favorite magazine in the peaceful cool
of the setting sun.
With the usual evening symphony of birdsongs as a backdrop,
I thumbed through the pages dreaming of cottages by the sea.

Alone, but not lonely, 

I flipped through the pages and enjoyed pictures of
spaces that others have created for the same purpose.

I found it nearly impossible to get much reading done,
as my friends were all quite active around my feet.

The turkeys came and ruined Maddie's peace...
(she gets quite freaked out by them!)

 To the right of me, Moll and Oakley watched something in the distance 
from their perches at the perennial garden.

Caicos peered at me through the arbor...

And Tom...
well Tom became quite amorous with my shoes.

Quite so...

Freakishly so....

I think he just may have a shoe fetish.

Really, Tom?
They might actually look better on him than on me!

- Of Wings And Horns And Beards
It's time to harvest hay again.You might remember that the weather didn't cooperate for our first cutting,so that cutting went to a local dairy farmer who could use the hay quickly...before it got moldy from moisture. Once this weekend's rain...

- The Calm Before The Storm
Every so often I am awestruck by the quiet, peaceful, stillness of the farm.Quiet, of course, is a matter of perspective.And to most of you a normal day on the farm might seem very quiet.Yesterday afternoon, however, was the type of quiet that is so

- Autumn Harvest
Sadly, the summer gardening season is coming to a close...quickly!We are having nights in the 40's now.Frost is just around the corner. Our hay is cut and drying. If only the weather would cooperate.(It is to rain for the next few days.)Hopefully...

- Make Hay While The Sun Shines!
Isn't that how the saying goes?Well, that is exactly what we did over this past weekend. This was our second cutting this summer.And now our coffers are full.Becky's barn is full,as is ours. Hopefully this much hay will last until next summer's...

- Hay There!!
Hello from the hayloft! We have been quite busy lately at the farm. With a threat of rain, the hay that had been drying in the field had to be quickly baled. This hay added to some that we had previously purchased has just about filled up our hay loft....

