The Weekend Update

The Weekend Update

There's no place like home.
No place.

All I have to do is leave the farm for a few days, and this becomes my mantra.
So... I am home and happy to be here!

Before leaving on Wednesday,
 we had been without any significant rain for the past couple of months.

Our pond was the lowest I had ever seen it.
While I was gone it rained and rained... about 6 inches in 36 hours.
When I came home, the pond looked like this...

Saturday, Hubbs and I took the kayaks to the river for probably our last trip of the year.

Our local river is a haven for bald eagles, egrets, blue herons, cormorants, kingfishers,
ducks and geese,
so I took my camera in hopes of getting a few good pictures.

Blue herons seemed the most plentiful.
Sitting on the bank, 

they would take off in flight as we approached.

I love these giant birds and their quiet, graceful flight...
legs extended, neck tucked...
skimming along right above the water, never touching it.

Sunday we stayed home and caught up with a little work around the farm.

Planting garlic for next summer's harvest...

Baking pies from our plentiful butternut squash...
(same recipe as pumpkin pie)

Hanging out with the horses, yesterday afternoon,
I wondered what the horses would do if they saw themselves on my i-pad screen,
so I turned the camera around so that they could see themselves on the screen.

Here are the equine versions of "selfies"....

Needless to say, they were quite curious about the horse in the screen!

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