The Arrival of Autumn

The Arrival of Autumn

We have had such unseaonably warm temperatures during September and October. As a result, the trees have held onto their green for much longer this year. Just within the past two weeks, however, have we begun to see our forest's colorful Autumn transformation. Autumn's chill finally arrived this weekend after three days of rain. We received at least 3 inches...which was enough to refill our pond to full. Saturday morning we arose to showers but by mid-morning were treated to blue skies and chilly Autumn winds. Our horses never seem to mind the rain and eagerly head to the pastures no matter what the weather. I cannot say the same for our goats, however!

Later in the day I saw this little fellow on our screen. It is hard to believe that I have never seen another one of these in my 50 years. I have no idea what it is, but it looked rather pre-historic. He was about 1 1/2 inches long and was keenly aware of my presence. Everytime I got close to snap a picture, he warily took a step backwards.....

- A Most Beautiful Start To Autumn
As the sun sets on the first day of Autumn,the dogs and I head outside to eek out every last moment of daylight. The animals are preparing for the night aheadas the moon rises high above the barnyard. The hens work their way back to their henhouses,except...

- Welcome Autumn
In the early morning light... the sun's rays gently kissing the earth.... critters, wild... and tame, softly chewing in the mist that lifts from the land. The previous night's raindrops still hanging... making spiderwebs glisten... the moon,...

- Transition
We rode into the weekend on Summer's coat and muggy weather.Then, a monsoon blew through on Saturday afternoon (horizontal sheets of cat and dog rain with gale force winds)helping Summer on her way;and Autumn made his official...

- It's Coming!
Autumn.It's almost here!The nights are cool now.The days are finally bearable. Everyone on the farm is enjoying the cooler temperatures.Energy abounds. Each morning all of the dogs come out for morning chores. Hickory leads the way with energy not...

- Water Water Everywhere!
I am so happy to report thatafter three solid days of rain,our snow has melted! Our grass is even beginning to turn green. This may seem like no big deal.But, we have had snow on the ground,with the exception of one unseasonably warm weekin January,...

