The Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden Update

The Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden Update

We decided that the canna lilies and calla lilies didn't really work around the grave. We took them out and placed a larger rock in the center of the bed. I am going to put Burgundy Glow ~Ajuga around the rock and we are going to put the solar fountain on top of the rock. We made some new beds and catmint (aka catnip), verbena and a Texas Star Hibiscus have been added, and old favourites have been increased.

Here is the Ajuga and catmint waiting to be planted.

Weeding seems to be taking up a good bit of my time. I found a lovely shrub growing wild around the pond. I am going to clear off the brush around it and I want to try to root it so it can be placed in other locations in the garden.

- Photo Hunt ~ In Memory
We planted the WHISKERS' MEMORIAL BUTTERFLY GARDEN IN MEMORY of Whiskers. This is were Whiskers is buried. This is an explosion of purple verbena, it is very pretty and the butterflies love it. Mommy planted wisteria in the Whiskers' Memorial...

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- Thursday Thirteen #20
Thirteen Things about Lilies Many plants that have “lily” as part of their common name (such as daylily or peace lily) are not “true” lilies. True lilies belong to the genus Lilium. They grow from bulbs made of fleshy, overlapping scales with...

- Whiskers Butterfly Memorial Garden Update
Last weekend we drove to Meridian to get some plants from our parents. Tuesday morning we were tied up with Shining Celebi's oral surgery. Everything went OK and Shining Celebi seems to be recovering. He was even able to enjoy the creamy potato soup...

- The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
We are all still grieving over the loss of Whiskers. In order to honor his memory we have decided to create a butterfly garden around his grave site. He enjoyed being around his family and this will give us a peaceful spot to sit close to his grave and...

