Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

Our yellow bells, they are growing nicely and blooming up a storm. They even have seed pods.

Whatever this is it is looking nice? A friend told us is was a Rattle Bush or a Sickle Pod but the leaves do not look right to us. This plant has more fern like leaves and is over 5 feet tall.

So we moseyed over to Dave's Garden and asked the nice people in the forums and they came up with ................ Danglepod, Hemp Sesbania (Sesbania herbaceae).

We tried to get a close up so you could see the interesting red and yellow combination.

The Cape Honeysuckle, the Hummingbirds just love it. It rooted itself in the floor of the Hummingbird Cottage so Mommy dug it up and put it in a pot. Maybe next year we will have TWO.

Scylla, leaping into action for ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
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Our roses have stopped blooming now. And the pretty yellow hibiscus has gone to live at Grandma's house. Mommy got it for her, for Mother's Day. Our Dusty Miller is doing well. The Lily of the Nile Bloom before Daddy whacked it with the weed...

- Thursday In The Garden
Our Garlic is blooming, it looks really nice now that Mommy weeded. It is suppose to keep pest away from the roses. The bees and butterflies seem to like it too. Our neighbor gave it to us. He went to the Rainbow Bridge last winter, we are very sads about...

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
The Shasta Daisy's are doing well. Mommy grew them from seeds. The Butterflyweed didn't come back in this bed so we made Mommy get us some more. It is already blooming. The roses are stunning, even the ones on the vicious rosebush that attacked...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Hummingbird Cottage is just lovely this time of year. Our white Rose Gold Flame Honeysuckle Clematis Million Bells Sniffie Roses Small withe tearoses Whirling Butterflies aka gaura-lindheimeri Are all blooming, it looks spectacular. The wildflowers...

