Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The yellow Butterflyweed looks pretty with the red Mums and pink Zinnias.

The Sniffie Roses look just gorgeous.

The Candy Corn Cuphea looks pawsome next to the roses.

Here is the whole bed.

And a close up of the Mums.

A Butterfly is enjoying the Katie Rubella.

It looks nice in it's bed. We has mostly purple flowers in here. Now we are off to make our report to the Society of Feline Gardeners. 

- Thursday In The Garden
The Blue Sage is so pretty, we wishes we could have got a better picture of the flowers, but it got very tall and is over Mommy's head. Glad we planted it here where it has something to lean against and doesn't fall over. We thinks it got so tall...

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
Our Camellias are lovey, this is the hot pink one. The Pineapple Sage was gorgeous just a few days ago, but we had a frost and it is all dead now. The Rosemary still looks pretty though. The is the light pink Camilla, we has another one but it doesn't...

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed is a riot of blooms. Pineapple Sage, Zinnias, some purple flower we don't know the name of. Mommy says it is a weed, but we thinks it is pretty so it gets to stay. The Confederate Rose by the house, they aren't roses they...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Katie Rubella is so pretty right now we just love the purple flowers. And the Cape Honeysuckle is a real show stopper. Mommy bought some yellow Butterfly Weed and got it planted last week. She planted it by our red Butterfly Weed, that came back...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Sky Flower, can you see the yellow berries on it?  The Sniffie Roses.  We don't know what kinda bug this is. We kinda like the fact he was BLUE.  The Yellow Mums and Foxgloves, we are suprised they are still blooming but they...

