Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

Our newest flower, Mommy promised it would bloom all year.

I likes it when it spins around I tried to sneak up on it. I thinks it is alive.

I had to stop for a bath.

The Plumbago, somebody asked us how we got it to bloom. Mommy thinks it likes LOTS OF WATER as it usually blooms after we have had torrential downpours for a few days.

The wishbone plant, it reseeds itself.

Oh goodness I am getting forgetful, I am headed over to Jonesie's to make my report to the Society of Feline Gardeners. 


PS: We still has lots of rain and wind here, apparently Hurricane Isaac doesn't want to leave. But we are doing OK. 

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
 The too much rain in July has lead to all sorts of problems in the garden, but we wanted to concentrate on the nice things. The yellow lantana is blooming, it is very cheerful,  and we likes the white lantana too.  The cactus is blooming....

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous. This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial. This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open...

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
Carrion Cactus Flower I likes this cactus bloom. I wishes you could touch it, it feels kinda hairy, like it has fur.  This cactus has tiny red blooms.  Mommy you need to get out here there is lots for you to do.  Hi Hummingbird, I...

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed. The Gladiolas did good this year they stood up straight while they were blooming and didn't flop over. It helped that we didn't get heavy winds and rain during the period they were blooming. The ornamental pepper, we just...

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty Mouse
Slightly out of focus picture of the Carolina Jessamine. The Rooster Violet, it is a wildflower that we likes a lot. It will bloom all winter, it seems to enjoy cold weather. I thinks this big clump of green is Shasta Daisies, they never bloomed so I...

