Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

Carrion Cactus Flower
 I likes this cactus bloom. I wishes you could touch it, it feels kinda hairy, like it has fur.

 This cactus has tiny red blooms.

 Mommy you need to get out here there is lots for you to do.

 Hi Hummingbird, I guess you are getting ready to leave for the winter. We sure will miss you.

 The wildflowers are blooming in the field next door.

 I am not allowed over there.

 OK, Mommy, I'll stay on our property like a good girl.

 The purple cuphea is blooming.

The Wishbone plant reseeds itself. It is doing really well this year. We are glad to see they came back up. we has several different colors, my favorite is the blue.

Now it is time to go over to Jonesie's and make my report to The Society of Feline Gardeners.


- Thursday In The Garden
 Daddy made this Extra-Large planter to go over our septic system. He made it out of cedar so it should last awhile, but watering the plants is a little problematic so Mommy decided to put succulents and cactus in there and let them depend on the...

- Thursday In The Garden
Our newest flower, Mommy promised it would bloom all year. I likes it when it spins around I tried to sneak up on it. I thinks it is alive. I had to stop for a bath. The Plumbago, somebody asked us how we got it to bloom. Mommy thinks it likes LOTS OF...

- Thursday In The Garden
Mommy what is the white stuff in with the Red Hibiscus?  Artemisia Yes, Mommy it is me but what is the plants name? Artemisia Mommy I thinks we are having a problem communicating. I am asking you what the plant is called I know what I am called....

- Thursday In The Garden
 It is time for The Society of Feline Gardeners to meet. Before we head to the meeting we thought we would show you a few of our flowers. This is our cactus. We are not sure what kind it is but we love the pretty flower it produces.  The front...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fenris was drafted to do this weeks gardening post.   He enjoys the geese family when Mommy takes him for a walk.  The Rooster Violet still blooming and growing, we just loves it as it brightened our winter.  The  Japanese...

