Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 Our Yellow Bell (forsythia) is confused. It isn't suppose to bloom until SPRING, but look it has blooms on it NOW and it is early winter. Mommy says our weather has confused it. See this FALL it got really cold. Jack Frost came to visit and Mommy had to wear sweaters and coats and everything then it warmed back up to the 70s and some of our plants that are suppose to sleep all winter started blooming.

 The Curry is thriving in the Herb Bed.

 And these nice red berries growing wild have put us in  a Holiday Mood.

 With Socks' help the beans even put up our TREE.

 Arty Supervised from a safe distance.

 Scylla checked the lights out.

She is happy to report they all seem be in working order.

Now we are headed over to Jonesie's' to make our Gardening Report to The Society of Feline Gardeners.

- Thursday In The Garden With Fenris
 The Goldflame Honeysuckle is blooming.  The forsythia is blooming way earlier then usual. It's yellow blooms are so cheerful, they always make us smile.  Mommy took advantage of the sun and 70 degree weather to weed the beds at the...

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
The Redbud Tree is already blooming, it is very early for it to be blooming but we are enjoying it.   Our Hummingbird Cottage looks just beautiful covered in Carolina Jasmine, there is some growing wild in the woods too. Blackberries growing wild....

- Thursday In The Garden By Arty Mouse
 I am checking out the plants up close and personal.  The Lantana is blooming in January, it is very confused. It looks nice against my furs. I made sure the Mom saw it.  Remember when Daddy was digging in the yard. Well a lot of strange...

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty Mouse
The obligatory glamor shot of my glamorous self. Mommy got all the dead zinnias out of this bed, she made a bad mistake though she accidentally cut our Goldflame Honeysuckle down. We hopes it will grow back. Mommy is trying to root some of it in the greenhouse....

- Thursday In The Garden By Scylla
 I asked to do the gardening report today. Daddy has the greenhouse put back together and Mommy has the stuffs put back in here that stays in here for the winter.  The Blue Daze is still looking pawsome.  I thought I would show you how...

