Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

Our pineapple sage, it is doing extremely well and the butterflies and hummingbirds love it.

Foxglove, they are beginning to die back, they don't seem to care for the heat.

Our sole surviving cilantro. We hopes it will reseed itself and there will be more next year.

That tall stuff behind it is orgeano and the plant beside it we thinks is bee balm. We are not sure and it has never bloomed for us.

Our Marigolds, these are very good Marigolds they came back all by themselves from last year.

These Watermelon came back from last year too. They are doing pawsome and have gotten a lot bigger since Mommy took this picture.

Daddy is doing an experiment to see which does best upside down tomatoes or tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets.

Strawberries, they are yummy to our tummy.

We showed you orange clover awhile back, this is yellow clover that also grows wild in our yard.

Stokes Aster.

The Charybdis Bed

The Whiskers Bed


We are in a server drought here. It has not rained at all since early April. And we didn't get rain but once in April and it wasn't very much. Please purr that we gets a good rain soon. We needs it very much for the plants. Our pond is way down.

Now that we can FINALLY get into our account. We wanted to remind you about the Society of Feline Gardeners meeting today @ Jonesie's. You'll see lots of fabulous gardeners there. We will have to visit later as all our visiting time was taken up with finding out how to sign in.

We also wants to tell you to go by Tank's blog to see how to help the animals that were victims of the tornado in Joplin, Missouri.

- Thursday In The Garden
The Candlebush looks pawsome. Mommy has been weeding, she got me all dirty when she pulled up a weed so I is having to bath. Our Rosemary has pretty purplish blue blooms on it. It has bloomed tons this year, it didn't bloom at all last year. Mommy...

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am so glad you could join me in our garden.  Are you ready for the tour. Please pay attention and don't chase the butterflies, bees or lizards. Ahem, now we can begin.  We will start up at the house with the Azaleas for some reason...

- Thursday In The Garden
 We thinks this picture is beautiful. The Butterflies really like the Butterfly Bush.  Our watermelons are growing nicely. They came up all by themselves from watermelons we planted last year.  The tomatoes are not doing so good. We thinks...

- Thursday In The Garden
Gracie decided to spend some time with us relaxing and enjoying our lovely Spring weather.  I asked her if she would like to tour the garden with me and help me with the gardening post for the Society of Feline Gardeners meeting, and she agreed...

- Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia
I has a lot to do today, so I better get started. First a DUST BATH. Now I am ready to go check on the Vegetable Garden. Are U coming with me Scylla? (Scylla) I believe I will head to the Butterfly Garden. See you later. OK, See you later Scylla. I'll...

