Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia

Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia

I has a lot to do today, so I better get started.

First a DUST BATH.

Now I am ready to go check on the Vegetable Garden.

Are U coming with me Scylla?
(Scylla) I believe I will head to the Butterfly Garden. See you later.

OK, See you later Scylla. I'll show our guest the vegetables.

Our upside down tomatoes. They seem to be doing OK, once Mommy and Daddy figured out they needed to be watered. We have actually picked a couple of tomatoes.

Daddy's muscadine vine. The main garden isn't doing well at all. We got to much rain and it washed a lot of stuff out. Daddy replanted then we got too much rain again, and washed more stuff out or buried it. Daddy gave up. We didn't get hardly any rain and we got the hots. The grass is growing good in there though.

Well, I don't know about you but I have had a long day and am ready for bed.

Before you go we wants to ask you to say a purr for MoMo she was in an accident Sunday. We are hoping she is OK, we had to go to bed (Monday night) before we heard how she was doing, and Mommy has run off to hunt groceries this morning. We hopes there will be an update when she get back and can help us blog.
UPDATE: We got an email from MoMo and she is feeling perkier.

And a new friend of ours Neala is having surgery so purrs for her would be appreciated too.

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