Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

This is the Devil's Trumpet

It has seeds. This is it's seed pod bursting open.

As far as we know the Angel's Trumpet doesn't have seeds, but Mommy managed to root a cutting of our pink one this fall. So we still has it. We will try to get a yellow or a white one this year for our garden. It is still too wet and cold for us out there but pretty soon Mommy will have to start weeding the flowerbeds and cutting the dead things down and planting new stuff.  ~Socks, Scylla & Artemisia

- Wordy Wednesday
 Our yellow Angel Trumpet is doing pawsomce. The pink one hasn't bloomed this year, and we don't even have a Devil's Trumpet this year. This is how you tells Angel & Devil Trumpets apart. Angel Trumpets point down and have green stems....

- Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia
Oh there you are (sigh of relief) I was worried no one was going to show up for Tsarina Tuesday. Mommy has been slacking so much we hardly ever get to visit and now she is being haphazard with our post. Anyway I gets to tell 10 things I like today. Being...

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
I finds the roof of the jungle gym a very good place to supervise the gardening from. I really like this yellow bloom, even though it is growing where it doesn't belong. This is the seed pod from the Devil's Trumpet. Once it matures it...

- Flowers On Friday
This is an Angel's Trumpet ( Brugmansia), the purple and white flower we used to think was an Angel's Trumpet is really a Devil's Trumpet (Datura). Apparently the easiest way to tell them apart is Angel's Trumpet point down, Devil's...

- Flowers On Friday By Scylla
These pictures were taken November 6th. Many of our kitty friends that live further north then we do were surprised we still had flowers this late into the fall. We still had flowers and butterflies until the night of November 18th. That night Jack Frost...

