Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

We are dedicating this post to our Grandpa. Today is his birthday Happy Birthday Grandpa Stonewall! He says I am his cat. He spoilt me before I came to live with Mommy. Mommy spoils me more though. And we are dedicating our post to Socks' gorgeous girlfriend MoMo, do drop by her blog and wish her a Happy Purrday.

Laying in the dirts is a good way to stay cool. The Golden Globe is doing good in the Whiskers Bed,we just need to get some more of it.

As you can see Mommy needs to do some weeding.

I try to help her stay on top of stuff like that.

I am taking a PLAY break, Socks is a good playmate.

I like the pretty yellow butterfly.

Checking out the Charybdis Bed.

I likes the Angelonias and they are doing really well. We has a pink and a purple one.

Visit Jonesie to tour more gardens.

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