Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 It is time for The Society of Feline Gardeners to meet. Before we head to the meeting we thought we would show you a few of our flowers. This is our cactus. We are not sure what kind it is but we love the pretty flower it produces.

 The front flower bed is looking nice.

 The zinnias have done really well this year. This is a Cactus Zinnia.

 Our Butterfly Bush.
 The Charybdis bed with some white zinnias blooming.

The Bottle Brush Bush. We love it's blooms and apparently the bees and wasp do too.

We are happy to report we has some baby watermelons growing. We will try to have our photographer take some pictures. She is very scatterbrained and forgets to take her camera outside half the time.

Now we are off to Jonesie's to catch up with all the other feline gardeners, would you like to come with us?

Before we go has promised to donate $10,000 to the ASPCA, when they get 10,000 likes on FACEBOOK go like them here, and help spread the word.

Also please consider entering our Flower Show, details here.

Everyone, thanks for purring for youngest boy bean. ~AFSS

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- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed is a riot of blooms. Pineapple Sage, Zinnias, some purple flower we don't know the name of. Mommy says it is a weed, but we thinks it is pretty so it gets to stay. The Confederate Rose by the house, they aren't roses they...

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Carrion Cactus Flower I likes this cactus bloom. I wishes you could touch it, it feels kinda hairy, like it has fur.  This cactus has tiny red blooms.  Mommy you need to get out here there is lots for you to do.  Hi Hummingbird, I...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Gold Flame Honeysuckle is sp pretty and it smells divine.  These wildflowers found a home in our flower bed, they were too cute to pull up.  Our Zinnias reseeded themselves.  More of the Goldflame Honeysuckle. They start off a...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fenris was drafted to do this weeks gardening post.   He enjoys the geese family when Mommy takes him for a walk.  The Rooster Violet still blooming and growing, we just loves it as it brightened our winter.  The  Japanese...

