Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

Being a gardening cat is hard work. There is grass to cut and flowerbeds to weed. The beans can't do it all by themselves so we has to lend a paw. I am keeping the tractor seat warm for Daddy.

Now for the best part looking at flowers. I loves the pretty pink Japanese Magnolia.

I likes to sit in the Butterfly Chair and admire it.

This vine growing wild is pretty too. Mommy wants to get some for around the house. She thinks it is Carolina Jasmine.

- Fenris Friday
Mommy has a lot of weeding to do at the Hummmingbird Cottage. The Rooster Violets are blooming. Some pretty little purple flowers growing wild. Mommy is going to try to weed around them. Some yellow wildflowers. Our Wisteria. The Japanese Magnolia has...

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is one of our Kalanchoes, we has a yellow one too, but it is not blooming.  Mommy was pleasantly suprised at how well this one has done.   A little wildflower that is living in a pot in the greenhouse. Mommy loves how delicate...

- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia & Scylla
Mommy stop playing with Fenris and come help me garden. I likes to help with the plants by the house. This is a wildflower Mommy likes. It has little blue blooms. Mommy dug it up and put it in a pot, so Daddy wouldn't run over it with the lawn mower....

- Scylla The Gardening Cat
Would you like to go for a walk with me? This is our Texas Star Hibiscus. It gets really tall. This is our cuphea with a yellow Mum. Our Japanese Magnolia is confused. It is trying to bloom. Can you see the pretty purple bloom on this plant. The pink...

- Photo Hunt ~ 13 (pictures)
1.) This azalea bloom is half white and half pink. I love my Encore Azaleas as they bloom all year. The blooms are also interesting. 2.) Scylla & Charybdis are having a mock battle. Scylla was defeated and left unconscious in the chair. (She is really...

