Thursday Thirteen ~ Books

Thursday Thirteen ~ Books

We will be unable to visit our friends today. The beans are having the power line to the house buried underground so the oak trees out front will not have to be butchered so we will be without power today and maybe tomorrow. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

  • Good Dogs, Bad Habits by Jeanne Carlson with Ranny Green - I didn't find it very helpful.

  • Dashing Through the Snow by Marry Higgins Clark & Carol Higgins Clark - some of my favourite characters come together to help find a young woman who has been kidnapped.

  • T is for Trespass - this book deals with identity theft and elder abuse. The scary part is how easy it could happen to anyone. The fake Solana Rojas steals her co-workers identity and gets a job as a private duty nurse to one of Kinsey's elderly neighbors. Kinsey does a background check on Solana Rojas, but as the real one is an exemplary employee no alarms go off. Kinsey begins to suspect abuse but the fake Solana fabricates an altercation and has a restraining order taken out against Kinsey. With her hands tied will Kinsey be able to stop Solana's' diabolical plot to take all Gus's money and kill him.

  • Hitched by Carol Higgins Clark - Regan and Jack are all set to get married when a week before the wedding Regan's designer gown is stolen. But Regan isn't the only bride whose gown is missing 3 other women had their gowns stolen and one discovered hers in shreds and covered in blood at the designers loft. Can Alfred replace the "April Brides" gowns in time? Can Regan find the gowns before the big day? And then there are the brides Tracy gets dumped, Victoria likes playing "dress up" and visualizes all sorts of bizarre things, Shauna has a past she wants to hide and Brianne just wants to show the thieves exactly what she thinks of the creeps who destroyed her gown.

  • Upon the Midnight Clear by Sherrilyn Kenyon ~ As an actor Aidan has it all fans, fame & fortune, unfortunately his family wants him DEAD. From prison his brother Donnie summons Dolor the God of Pain to kill him. Leta having watched Dolor slaughter her husband and child on Zeus's orders is determined to stop him, with Aidan's help she does. And Aidan discovers everything he wanted in a woman in Leta. Unfortunately since she is a Goddess she can't stay. Determined to make sure Aidan will be safe Leta kills Dolor and is sentenced to death by Zeus. Deimos brings Aidan to Leta so she can die in his arms. But maybe Hades is nicer then we give him credit for.

  • Holiday Gatherings by Sherrilyn Kenyon - Find out whats up with Aimee Peltier, Kyrian Hunter and his family, Nick Gautier and Ash.

  • Shadow of the Moon by Sherrilyn Kenyon - When Fury was thrown out of his patria he left behind his best friend Angelia, who turned on him with the rest of his Mother's patria. Now Angelia and his brother Dare are in New Orleans with a weapon that can destroy the Katagaria. Fury is at Sanctuary delivering a letter to Aimee from Fang when he finds out about a lion that was wounded with the weapon. He promises to hunt down those responsible for wounding the lion. Unfortunately Dare jumps him and takes him prisoner. Unable to stand Dare's torture of Fury Angelia lets him go, but Fury takes her captive and brings her to Vane, where she is treated decently, even though she is in heat. As Regis of Angelia's patria Vane demands that Angelia tell him about the weapon which she is bound by the laws of her patria to do. She does and they then tell her she is free to go but that the lions will be looking for her to kill her. Angelia decides that she will do what she has always wanted to do and take Fury for her lover even though he is a Katagaria, and as fate would have it they are mates. When the lions track Angelia down Fury mask her scent but he knows she is still in danger so he goes to Savitar and claims to be responsible for wounding the lion. Savitar summons the Omegrion and Dare shows up to swear that he saw Fury in the act. But Sasha and Nicolette Peltier defend him. Angelia then speaks up to tell the Omegrion that he is protecting her but Dare interrupts to say the Fury is protecting him. Savitar refuses to let the lions have Dare (and nobody argues with Savitar) informs the Omegrion that the inventor won't be inventing anymore toys and that those in existence are being destroyed by his people and sends everyone home.

  • Laced by Carol Higgins Clark - Jack and Regan are on their honeymoon in Ireland when international jewel thieves steal a lace tablecloth made by May Reilly.

  • Ghost Ship by Mary Higgins Clark - A cute children's story.

  • Train Your Dog the Easy Way by Danny & Sylvia Wilson -They are the founders of Bark Busters. I enjoyed the stories about the different dogs.

  • Santa Cruise by Mary Higgins Clark & Carol Higgins Clark - Alvirah Meehan wins a cruise at a charity auction and invites her friends The Reilly's along. Unbeknown to them two dangerous stowaways are aboard as well as a con artist who is determined to steal Cleopatra's box.

  • God's Problem by Bart D. Ehrman - intellectually challenging and an enjoyable read. Final message " We need to live life to its fullest and help others as well to enjoy the fruits of the land."

  • The 8th Confession by James Patterson - San Francisco's glamorous millionaires are dying and no one knows how the killer is killing them until a Cold Case reveals the weapon. A homeless man is murdered is Bagman Jesus a saint or a sinner.

  • - Thursday Thirteen ~ Books Again
    Thirteen Books I Read Recently Ride the Night Wind by L. A. Banks - another sad vampire tale. The Gift by Susan Squires - Davie's plans to marry Emma and live happily ever after are thwarted by Ruffords plea for help. He never expected Emma...

    - Thursday Thirteen ~ Books
    Thirteen Books I Read Recently Sins of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon - How Acheron saved Ias from being trapped as shade. We also meet Dark Huntress, Dangereuse St. Richard. Stryker as usual has come up with a plan to hurt Acheron. He has fermented...

    - Thursday Thirteen ~books
    Thirteen Books I Read Recently Be The Pack Leader by Cesar Millan with Melissa Jo Peltier ~ Well I disagree with Cesar about cats not being social animals. I don't think he understands cats at all. Cats are social, just on their terms and when...

    - Thursday Thirteen ~ Books
    Books I read July 10th to September 1st Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark ~ Who is kidnapping and killing young women. Is it Mac, the young college student who disappeared years ago? It it his college roommate Nick, who now owns a string of...

    - Banned Books ~sandpiper, The End
    Aidan and Piper stop at a Dinner to eat breakfast. Piper forgets to call Rachael before she and Aidan head for Springhaven. As they are walking along Route 7, Derek drives by in his truck. He stops and knocks Aidan out and then tries to rape Piper. Aidan...


