Thursday Thirteen ~ Thirteen Books I Read Recently

Thursday Thirteen ~ Thirteen Books I Read Recently

  1. Dance of Death by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - D'Agosta risk his relationship with Laura and his career in order to help his friend, Agent Pendergast prove that Diogenes is framing him for murder and the theft of Lucifer's Heart.
  2. The Book of the Dead by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - picks up where Dance of Death left off. Pendergast is in jail for murders he didn't commit. Diogenes has a diabolical scheme to drive millions of people crazy and D'Agosta is working on a plan to get Pendergast out of prison. In the end a surprising adversary will destroy Diogenes
  3. Black Hills by Nora Roberts ~ This is a great book. Lil becomes a wildlife biologist and creates and wildlife sanctuary on her families land. We liked reading about all the big cats she rescued. A cougar (Baby) she saved as a baby refused to leave her when he was old enough. When she released his siblings he kept coming back to her, so she let him stay. A serial killer is trying to kill Lil, but her boyfriend Coop is determined too protect her and with Baby's help he saves her life.
  4.  The Conscience of a Liberal by Paul Krugman - He advocates taking money from the rich to such an extent they will no longer be rich through taxes and giving it to the poor so the poor will become middle  class. He wants an America where everyone is equally middle class no rich or poor. To achieve this the rich will be punished with HIGH TAXES and the poor will be rewarded with ENTITLEMENTS.
  5. Cemetery Dance by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - Good read but I hated the book. Smithback (one of my favorite characters who has been around since book one) is murdered in his apartment by a zombie. Pendergast has too unravel the diabolical scheme that led to his death before Nora (Smithback's wife) is also murdered. Beside the death of my favorite character animal sacrifice and mistreatment was a theme, so I found the book very upsetting
  6. Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child - Whittlesey set out to discover an ancient tribe, the Kothoga (The shadow people) and the Mbwun they supposedly control. His expedition meets with disaster. Only the crates he sent back to the Museum survive. Now something is killing people in the Museum. This is the first book in the Pendergast series and D'Agosta, Pendergast, Smithback and Margo meet for the first time.
  7. Reliquary by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child - The second book in the series. Wren and Laura Hayward are introduced to the cast of characters. Greg Kawakita realized something about the plant fibers that feed Mbwun. He managed to scrounge enough from Margo's purse to grow the Mbwun Lily. Now people are being killed by strange semi-humans who have made their home in the tunnels known as the Devil's Attic.
  8. The Cabinet of Curiosities by Douglass Preston and Lincoln Child - If you have always wanted to know more about Constance Greene this book explains her past even though she isn't featured in it. The body of Mary Greene age 19 years is discovered along with 35 other people murdered 130 years  ago by an unknown serial killer who preformed unspeakable medical experiments on them in an  effort to prolong his own life. Now the killings have started again and Pendergast must track down the  killer. Time is of the essence as Smithback has already discovered the killer's lair and become a victim.  His life depends on Pendergast and Nora solving the puzzle in time and defeating the killer.
  9. Mount Dragon by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - Boy genius Brent Scopes offers Guy Carson his dream job working at Mount Dragon. But soon Carson realizes something is terrible wrong, now his only chance of escape is to ride through the Jornada Del Muerto without water with a madman on his trail. He can only hope Professor Levine received enough of his transmission to stop Scopes.
  10. The Codex by Douglas Preston ~ Maxwell Broadbent spent his life looting tombs. As a result he has amassed a treasure in artwork. Discovering he is dying of lung cancer he decides to take his fortune and disappear to the mythical White City (the first tomb he looted that only he knows the location of) challenging his sons; Philip (the supposed eldest), Vernon, and Tom (the youngest and the leader) to find his tomb. Philip foolishly engages the help of his father's ex partner turned PI, Hauser. Hauser plans to kill the Broadbent sons and claim the treasures for himself especially "The Codex" (a Mayan codex that may hold the cure for deadly diseases). Vernon sets off with his spiritual guru (who wants the money for himself) to find the treasure. Tom returns home only to join forces with Sally (who wants "The Codex" for her fiancee) in order to rescue his brothers once he realizes their lives are in danger.
  11. Still Life With Crows - Something has been hidden in Krauss' Kaverns for 51 years, now it's lose and killing the citizens of Medicine Creek. Can Pendergast solve the mystery in time to save Corrie Swanson a rebellious teen he hired as his assistant.
  12. Blindman's Bluff by Faye Kellerman ~ Guy Kaffey, his wife Gillam and their son Gil are gunned down by members of the Bodega 12th Street Gang. But who ordered the hit; was it Gil the only surviving member of the Kaffey family present at the ranch, Grant Kaffey his brother or their uncle Mace? Will Decker be able to solve the crime with only the eavesdropping of a blind man to go on?
  13. Brimstone by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child ~ D'Agosta is working in Southampton when Jeremy Grove is murdered in a gruesome and puzzling manner. Needless to say it doesn't take long for Pendergast to show up. The killer's trail leads them to Florence where only one of them will survive.

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