

We are in the midst of endless gray days...
our world painted with hues of white to black and every shade of gray in-between.

Some might find this cold, monochromatic time of year intolerable,
and yet I find a certain comfort in the quiet stillness that winter brings.

It wasn't always so.
There was a day when I would have wished these days away,
looking forward to the colors of Spring.

And while I love Spring with every fiber of my being,
I have learned patience and the peace that comes with being happy with today.

I'm not sure if farm life taught me this,
or if it comes as a result of being in the second half of my life...
knowing that my days are ultimately numbered
(face it, all of ours are...and always have been).

Regardless, we only ever have today.
And if we don't grasp it and love it and squeeze every bit of life out of it...
we have wasted it.
And the way I see it... each day is much too precious to waste.

To me, living each day as if it were my last has less to do with checking off things on my
bucket list,
and more to do with just enjoying the day as it unfolds... making the most of it.

And so.... I will share some pictures from one such precious day...

Now that the snow is on the ground (and not flying through the air),
it seems that no one is bothered much by it

with the exception of the pregnant ones.

They prefer the warm, dry comfort of the maternity ward...
with its fresh hay and room service.

Even the chickens, guineas and turkeys have been brave enough to venture out.

Ole Roy, however, seems to be under the weather and has remained indoors.

He is acting quite odd, and if his eyes are a reflection of his physical state,
I am afraid he might not be long for this world.

I fear that when I open up this morning, I will find him expired.
Sadly, this is part of farm life...
especially when you have this many chickens of varying ages.
Although I miss them, I don't get too upset when they pass on...
knowing that they have lived wonderful lives running free on the farm.

Lastly, today, I want to thank you for your friendship.
Your visits here are appreciated.
I know you are there.... even if you don't leave a comment.
But when you do, your comments are always so very kind and generous.
They fill me with warmth... enough to chase away the cold of a winter morning.
For being here, for being interested, for loving my animals, for caring and sharing....
I thank you.

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