Troublesome Tuesday & Cat Talk Time

Troublesome Tuesday & Cat Talk Time

Scylla is in TROUBLE, she has been peeing and pooping in the house. She found this corner in the family room that is kinda unused. It is behind Daddy's humongous speakers, and isn't very noticeable from the rest of the room. About the only time anyone ever goes over there is IF they go out or in the back door. That back door isn't used much cause it is right next to the back door that goes into the Utility Room. The Beans use the Utility Room back door, more then the Family Room back door. Anyway Mommy & Daddy are mad at her and want her to stop using the Family Room as a litterbox. We don't know why she is doing it. She has gotten where she doesn't want to go outside, not even out in the garage.  It isn't a Urinary Tract Infection  Mommy took her to the vet to make sure.  The beans got a Rug Doctor and shampooed that area thoroughly, but after they did it she still went over there to pee. Mommy got a Bissell  and has cleaned it good again, she also got a Citrus Scented Glade Automatic Spray thingy in hopes of keeping us all out of that corner. So far that seems to be working but it is giving Mommy sinus problems. We also got a brand new litter box, so now there are four litter boxes plus outside for us to use.

We aren't extremely clever kitties so it was hard for us to come up with words that were uniquely our own. We mostly try to use the humans words.

I is a PigMouse because I eat so much and am so tiny. 

When we are angry we gets hissy and Fen gets growly.  Me and Fen swarm over each other, and do the ArtFen Dance. Mommy says Fenris probably smells like ME cause I rubs myself all over him.

ArtFen Dance

We hopes you will visit Zoolatry to see more words. ~Arty Mouse

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