Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

 I am relaxing in Mommy's new lounge chair. I thinks she bought it for me. Scylla is under the chair, do you see her?

 I am practicing looking pretty as a picture, do you thinks I have it purrfected yet?

 OK, I am ready to morph into the pawsome huntress.

 I am hunting Scylla. I know she is behind me I a trying to sneak up on her.

 MOL, I got her tail.
 Nope I am not trying to get Scylla now there is a bug on this plant.

 Can I eat it Mommy?
 Let's see what else I can find to play with.

 I spy a LIZARD!
Lizard do you wanna come play with me?

 Now I am ready for bed. Goodnight..............................
~Arty Mouse (& Scylla)

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