Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

I was sound asleep on Mommy's comfy blanket when she started taking my picture and woke me up.

I guesses I can sacrifice some shut eye so my adoring public can get their cute fix for the day.

What's not to love curly tummy furs and my cute little nose and even some toes.

On a more serious note I has been getting in ticks. Mommy had to take me to the vet to get one off. I had managed to scratch the ticks body off and get blood all over my back but the head was still attached and burrowing into my skins (bad ticks). Mommy freaked when she saw my bloody back hence the trip to the vet. We are going to use Frontline Plus for the ticks (but it doesn't work on fleas) and 2 weeks later Advantage Multi for the fleas and heart-worms. Mommy doesn't like having to double dose me, but I has a problem with both. The Vet recommended this so we feel like it will be OK.

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