Tsarina Tuesday ~Artemisia

Tsarina Tuesday ~Artemisia

(Sigh) Mommy took these with her cell phone, so they aren't all that great. Not her fault as we were laying on top of her. Scylla's head is resting on Mommy's leg and that big bump in the covers is Daddy. He was sound asleep and SNORING very loudly. And yep Scylla's paw is on top of my head. I am laying on top of her. Well it was nice and warm and comfy there and she was tucked in under the electric blanket.

Mommy disturbed my slumbers with her picture taking which I think was very RUDE of her, at least she didn't wake Daddy or Scylla up.

Our apologies Mommy messed up and published it early, so if you saw it Friday you are getting a repeat of my loveliness.  ~Artemisia

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