Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

I likes to hang out at the Hummingbird Cottage. This gorgeous butterfly came to visit me there.

The Coral Honeysuckle.

The Passion Vine

I Loves to lay under the Bougainvillea, it is very hard to see me there and I am in the shade.

These silly zinnias decided to grow in Daddy's dirt pile.

I loves to roll around on the stone floor. It feels so good. Silly Mommy doesn't understand the attraction.

Do you see the bird. I can spy on him from the Hummingbird Cottage. Our pond is very dry. It has almost dried completely up.


Me and mommy saw this growing in the woods and went to take it's picture. We aren't sure what it is.

It is growing by the Canna Lillies.

I went around front with Mommy to see what else is blooming. The Johnny Jump Ups are blooming again.

We really likes how the red zinnias look with the blue morning glory vine. They are all ready for the 4th of July.

Our mint is blooming first time ever.

Now this is funny, poor Scylla gets blamed for everything even stuff that I do. Scyllie woke Mommy up this morning and Mommy put her out in the garage for being annoying well somebody was scratching at the door. Mommy blamed it on Scylla but it could have bee ME. One of the boy beans got up and let us back in the house and I jumped up in bed with Mommy and started kneading just like Scyllie does and Mommy said "Scylla stop that I wants to sleep" and she opened one bleary eye and realized that it wasn't Scyllie it was ME! I curled up right next to Mommy and Socks was curled up right next to me and we all went back to sleep. But Mommy says it is simply amazing how a feather weight can feel so heavy first thing in the morning and how a mini mini meow meow can make so much noise when she is trying to SLEEP. ~Artemisia

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