Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

Hello every buddy.

I am giving Mommy my come hither look here.

Tuiren says I am suppose to play hard to get so I am ignoring her here. I wonders if it will work. According to Tuiren if I wasn't so EASY we would get treats for photo shoots.

I went for my semi annual checkup Tuesday and got a good report, Tuiren got her nails trimmed. To bad no one was videoing us in the parking lot, they could have won a fortune on America's Funniest Videos. I do try to keep the Mom on her toes.  ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

- Tuiren Tuesday
Whenever me and Fenris see anything interesting we run to the fence and observe it. We watch carefully to see if we needs to alert Mommy by barking. This is a very important decision. You mustn't bark too often are you annoy the people, but you wants...

- Frakenfenny Friday
 I had this small bump on my head. Really I tried to tell Mommy that it wasn't anything, I was fine yada yada, you would have thought that considering she took Tuiren (stick out of jaw), Socks (bloodwork) and Scylla (semi-annual checkup) in just...

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Fenris Friday
BOL, Mommy says this is my mug shot.  My routine has been shot to heck and I am most unhappy. I get stucks inside so Socks can play outside in MY YARD with MY MOMMY.. I do not thinks this is fair. Sometimes I get to go outside with Socks & Mommy,...

- Fenris Friday
Me and Socks are sleeping close to each other. He is hogging the Electric Blanket. He told me to KEEP OFF.  He won't let Mommy have it either, she had to make do with the fleece blanket and I had to make do with NO blanket. Do you think that...

