Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

It is very hot here so I am just lazing around trying to stay cool. Mommy has gone to get her hair fixed, I sure do wish she would stop breaking it, it is boring here without her. All Fenris wants to do is sleep cause it's hot and he doesn't have Mommy to follow around. When she is here he makes you dizzy with his constant up, down to follow her everywhere. Apparently he doesn't trust Mommy out of his sight. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

- Tuiren Tuesday
I wonder what the Veterinarian is doing with the hair she stole from me and Fenris. They stole hair from my legs and his head. This is very weird if you ask me. At least they didn't send me home with a lamp shade on my head. Thank Dog for small mercies....

- Tuiren Tuesday
Socks, Tuiren, & FenrisI am hoping that when I wake up the sun will be out. Meanwhile we are all sleeping in our beds. Except for Fenny he never sleeps in his bed, and Scylla is sleeping in Mommy's bed. Scylla doesn't like to sleep in the...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 I don't like it when Mommy is sick, she doesn't spend as much time with us. She mumbles something about germs and she doesn't want us to get her cold and keeps her distance.  How am I suppose to make her better if I can't licks...

- Fenris Friday
BOL, Mommy says this is my mug shot.  My routine has been shot to heck and I am most unhappy. I get stucks inside so Socks can play outside in MY YARD with MY MOMMY.. I do not thinks this is fair. Sometimes I get to go outside with Socks & Mommy,...

- Fenris Friday
Mommy says it is time for this toy to go bye-by apparently I have chewed it too much. I sure will miss it. Glad Santa brought me a new toy. He brought Tuiren a toy too. ~Fenris Tuiren update: Mommy took her to the vet yesterday and we were super excited...

