Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

 I don't like it when Mommy is sick, she doesn't spend as much time with us. She mumbles something about germs and she doesn't want us to get her cold and keeps her distance.

 How am I suppose to make her better if I can't licks her all over?

 And why does she get annoyed when I digs holes in the yard to lay in? Doesn't she know that is how you stay cool in the summer.

Sometimes Mommy sure is dumb. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD
An InLinkz Link-up

- Fenris Friday ~ What Me And Tuiren Saw
Tuiren says you want to know what we saw............................ We saw this intruder. He/she kinda looks like Socks from a distance but it isn't Socks. Mommy says the cat is very silly, it's not afraid of me and Tuiren, it is friends with...

- Fenris Friday
 As most of you know my Mommy ran off and left me for 5 whole days, it was awful.  Youngest Boy Bean was sick and guess who got blamed.  That's right ME!!!!!! He says I was suppose to scare the nasty cold germs away. And wants to know...

- Tuiren Tuesday
It is very hot here so I am just lazing around trying to stay cool. Mommy has gone to get her hair fixed, I sure do wish she would stop breaking it, it is boring here without her. All Fenris wants to do is sleep cause it's hot and he doesn't have...

- Fenris Friday
BOL, Mommy says this is my mug shot.  My routine has been shot to heck and I am most unhappy. I get stucks inside so Socks can play outside in MY YARD with MY MOMMY.. I do not thinks this is fair. Sometimes I get to go outside with Socks & Mommy,...

- Fenris Friday
Mommy says it is time for this toy to go bye-by apparently I have chewed it too much. I sure will miss it. Glad Santa brought me a new toy. He brought Tuiren a toy too. ~Fenris Tuiren update: Mommy took her to the vet yesterday and we were super excited...

