Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

I am very worried about Socks, he had to go to a specialty vet in Louisianan, and they kept him over night. I sure hope he gets to come home today.

I am thinking about him and crossing my paws for him, I hopes you will too. And healing purrs would be much appreciated.

It was so hot yesterday Mommy gave me some ice.

I loves ice.

Mommy said she ate something called snowballs when she was little and my ice is kinda like a snowball.

I just know it is refreshing.

What Mom, oh yes everyone thanks for coming to Socks' birthday party yesterday. We are very sorry Socks had to leave during the party to go to the vet.

Now I has to get back to my ice.

Would you like to come eat ice with me? There is plenty to share.

~Annie Tuiren, reporting for  Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Fenris Friday
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- Scylla Sunday
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- Fenris Friday
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- Happy Birthday Marg & Welcome Home Sergi Party Update
Graphic by ZoolatryDrop by Cats of Wildcat Woods to join the party. You can visit Marg's blog here. Marg we hopes you have the best birthday ever!Happy Birthday ~Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, Mr Who & Alasandra Photo by Kar of The...

- Add
We had to add an S at the end of Dog, cause now we has TWO DOGS instead of A DOG. For our new readers, the blog started off as ALASANDRA AND THE CATS, that's right it was just a CAT blog. Then Mommy went and gotted Fenris for her birthday so we had...

