Two on Tuesday

Two on Tuesday

I am looking for something to eat. I don't think Daddy's badge would be good to eat. The Cilantro smells good but I am not sure it would be good to nom either.

Hi Scylla I found our bowls.

How can we get them down?

Mommy come feed us!!!!!

Scylla here, I am still in the ring at Kitty Fight Club Round 5 – Scylla vs Cookie and need to keep up my strength.  Looking cute is hard work and requires a lot of energy.

- Not Cute Enough
Well Powder Puff (aka Artemisia) is right, I am not cute enough. She'll never let me forget it either. I wants to thank all my friends for supporting me and their kind words of encouragement. I am still a WINNER cause I has wonderful friends like...

- Poll: Scylla Vs Cookie - Who's The Cutest?
I am barely holding on @ Kitty Fight Club, that Cookie is one cute kitty and her keyboard move is pawsome. I would appreciate any help my friends can give me, this is one tough fight. And I want to thank everyone for their kind words and support it means...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
Dreaming of my sweet MoMo.   The beans have been busy in the vegetable garden this week. Saturday they planted watermelons, honeydew, cantaloupe,  turnips, carrots, and broccoli.  Since it was windy and raining off and on I spent the...

- Sunday Sharing
These are the wildflowers Daddy is cultivating we made Mommy look their name up so we could share it with you. They are called Bird's Foot Violet, Pansy Violet, Hens & Roosters. We likes the Pansy Violet name the best and Mommy thinks they look...

- Am I Cute Enough?
I am in the ring at  Kitty Fight Club Round 5 – Scylla vs Cookie, could you stop in and vote for me. I has to prove to the Powder Puff aka Artemisia that she isn't the only cute cat around our house. ...

