Update on Brandi ~ Two Dogs That Need Our Help

Update on Brandi ~ Two Dogs That Need Our Help

Things are not looking good for Brandi (the dog who was being walked on a leash and was attacked by an unleashed poodle) and there is another dog GiGi that is also on death row.

But this week's hearings revealed that Broward seizes and destroys dogs without full investigations and without making a determination on provocation, a critical part of the ordinance.
It seems the whole system is stacked against the accused dogs, basically guilty until proven innocent.
In the hall outside Brandie's hearing, some dog owners wondered why anyone would allow animal control to take their dogs without warrants.
Austin said he didn't know about the ordinance and didn't think he could lose Gigi when he allowed an animal control officer to take her on May 1.
"I'd tell them to get off my property and don't come back until they have a warrant signed by a judge," said a former police K9 trainer who did evaluations of Gigi and Brandie.
It could be dog owners' best defense against a system that needs change.

In GiGi's situation both dogs were on leashes, but the smaller dog Bella behaved in a menacing manner and GiGi attacked to protect herself.

Austin said Bella barked menacingly and ran at Gigi. Tamburro said Bella was quiet when Gigi came at her unprovoked. A third witness, another neighbor, said Bella barked at Gigi and Gigi charged at her, biting her neck and shaking her.

Within seconds, tiny Bella lay dead on the street

Part of the problem seems to be the owners of these small dogs allow them to behave in an aggressive manner. Our purrs are with GiGi and Brandi and we hopes they don't get killed because of a stupid law.

What can you do to help, besides purr. You can sign a petition. The petition for GiGi is here and go here to sign the petition for Brandi.

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