Walking Piggies

Walking Piggies

A few days ago I shared a video with you about walking the pigs up to their grazing yard.
The video was all about the preparation...
with nothing about the actual walk.
Today we walk (ok, we run).

As a side note, we have stream-lined the "getting dressed" portion of our walks.
I have opted to place the harness behind their front legs,
rather than trying to catch both legs inside the harness.
With their portly bellies, this has worked just fine,
and is a heck of a lot less work!

Once inside their yard, I remove the harness and lead rope
(quickly...as they are short on patience these days!)

Hope this made you giggle just a bit!
Have a perfectly lovely weekend..full of holiday cheer!
See you Monday for more Tails from the Farm.

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