Want To Join Me For A Marathon Weeding?

Want To Join Me For A Marathon Weeding?

And so the drizzly, cloudy days continue.
I spent yesterday in the garden doing what I call a "marathon weeding"...
only taking a break to eat a little lunch and feed the herd/flock.

I filled the back of the gator twice with the weeds I pulled.

Of course I had a hitchhiker...

and a few more friends stopped by to say hi....

"Wanna rub my belly?"

Now, that's a happy kitty!

Never, in the history of this garden has there been so many weeds.
Before weeding all my aisles looked like this....

After weeding...

Much better!
I am about a third of the way through this job and hope to have it done by the end of the week.

Last week I had posted a photo of orange coneflowers...

A lover of Echinacea, I have tried to acquire as many colors of coneflowers as possible.
Planted around the vegetable garden are...



 and green.

Do you know of any colors that I might be missing?
If you do, I will most definitely search for that color!

I wanted to show you my pumpkin patch.
This little garden has been so successful, we are thinking of enlarging it next year!

The cabbage is about ready to be turned into sauerkraut.

I see corn on the cob in the very near future.

And the zinnias... enough for bouquets every day.

Lots of sunny sunflowers will feed the birds this autumn.

And the main attraction... pumpkin babies....growing and maturing by the day.

I can hardly wait to harvest our own pumpkins for fall decorating.

Every time I look, I find more.

All kinds....

all sizes!

I also used a little drizzle time to straighten up the greenhouse.
Nothing is growing in here right now,
so it is time to get organized for next winter's planting.

I added a shelf on the far wall to hold trays and pots.

One thing is for sure...
I never run out of things that need to be done!

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