We has been invaded ...................

We has been invaded ...................

This MONSTER has invaded our home. He pees and poops all over the place and constantly demands Mommy hold HIM. And can you believe he pesters the big dogs unmercifully, he is a BIG PEST. Luckily he is afraid of cats or the jumping bean would probably jump all over ME.

Mommy is having a very hard time of it not only were we invaded by this CREATURE, but her toilet exploded. Her & Eldest Boy Bean had to figure out how to replace the fill valve and it made a HUGE mess so she will be super busy today trying to clean everything up and get the laundry caught up before youngest heads back to college. ~Scylla 

- Our Mom Is A Flake................ By Afss
First there is the fact she mispronounces words horribly the guy peeps always pick on her about that. Then there is the fact she is very clumsy. Honestly she is always tripping over her own two feet, OK we may have a little to do with that problem as...

- Birds
Hummingbirds are our favourite bird. Two hummingbirds hang out in the backyard with Fenris. They are very silly they fight over the bird-feeder. Mommy says they have gone South for the winter. We thoughts we lived in The South. PhotoHunt Socks...

- Socks ~ Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest
If you go here you can enter the Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest, or you can vote (that cost money) for your favourite pet. So far me and Scylla have both entered. We don't expect anyone to vote for us as we know $ are hard to come by these...

- First (robotics)
Youngest Boy bean is at the First Robotics Competition in Atlanta. You can watch it here. They are through for today, but they will be back on Friday & Saturday. Boy Bean is in the Galileo Division he is a member of #364. We watched it on the puter...

- The Greenhouse & Other Things By The Cats
The green house is mostly finished. Daddy will most likely continue making improvements forever. First they hung this metal shelve. They have decided they do not like it, so Daddy has gone back to the drawing board. Then Daddy built this nice table...

