Wednesday in the Garden

Wednesday in the Garden

This is our Sky Flower, it is a tropical so it has to live in the greenhouse in the winter.

Mommy took a close up of it.

The Butterflyweed.

We don't know what this is, we thinks it might be a zinnia.

The Gladiolas.

Pineapple Sage.

This planter has really taken off. It has now become the prettiest, the other one is looking kinda blah right now.

The Coleus is doing nicely.

The Ruby Leaf is looking really pretty.

The Cleome, we are very pleased with the way it has been blooming.

The Herb Bed is looking nice. The Mosquito Plant is thriving.

The Gardenias are blooming too, it's a pity the rain turned so many of the blooms brown.

The Oregano is blooming.

Close up of the Gardenia flowers.

The Dusty Miller and Purple Heart.

Hope you don't mind seeing our flowers a day early we will be celebrating International Box Day tomorrow. ~ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
 All these plants are outside now, it would be way to hot in the Greenhouse for them but they overwintered in the Greenhouse nicely. We thoughts we would tell you how they did and how we cared for them.  The Ruby Leaf got really tall and straggly,...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Verbena is blooming unfortunately bad Mommy didn't get the bed weeded. The Bugleweed is blooming, a lot of it died though so this bed doesn't look very good Mommy needs to do something with it. The wisteria is looking good. The Fetterbush...

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed. The Gladiolas did good this year they stood up straight while they were blooming and didn't flop over. It helped that we didn't get heavy winds and rain during the period they were blooming. The ornamental pepper, we just...

- Thursday In The Garden
Mommy what is the white stuff in with the Red Hibiscus?  Artemisia Yes, Mommy it is me but what is the plants name? Artemisia Mommy I thinks we are having a problem communicating. I am asking you what the plant is called I know what I am called....

- Thursday In The Garden By Arty Mouse
 I am checking out the plants up close and personal.  The Lantana is blooming in January, it is very confused. It looks nice against my furs. I made sure the Mom saw it.  Remember when Daddy was digging in the yard. Well a lot of strange...

