Well there is a first time for everything

Well there is a first time for everything

Us cats and Fenris are always winning things but our Mommy won something all by herself for the very first time without our help. Isn't that amazing, you know she usually needs close snoopervision by us felines to do the simplest things, even Fenris has to lend a paw with the gardening and you knows when a bean has to depend on a dog she is pretty hopeless. Anyway you can read all about it at Mommy's Blog Alasandra's Place: Merci beaucoup to Beth @ Food as Art

- We Are Feeling Awesome!
We just might have to give Mommy higher marks on her Purr-fur-mance Review. Chancy and Company  & Nellie @ The Cat From Hell gave us the Awesome Blog Award.  We are supposed to tell 7 things about us, Then pass it on. And Mommy was absolutely...

- Tomorrow Is Ayla's Birthday
We got this cool award from Ayla & Iza. Look it even has butterflies on it. Let's see we thinks we are suppose to tell you 9 things about us cats. Artemisia keeps getting leaves in her tail.We all likes dog food and will eat out of Fenris bowl,...

- Mother's Day Contest
Our Mommy is getting a  custom tote bag from Cafe Press for Mother's Day they has lots of  unique gifts you can get for your Mom. Mugs, T-shirts, Totes, just lots of pawsome gifts and best of all you can personalize it and create a unique...

- Scylla On Sunday With Fenris
Sunday is a fun day. I am relaxing in the jungle gym, soaking up some rays. I love the sunshine. Fenris is playing soccer with youngest boy bean. I can watch the game from my perch on the roof. So far youngest boy bean appears to be winning. Maybe I...

- Pet-lovers Have Decided To Pay On Their Own To Have Pet-foods Tested
As all blog readers know, many pet-lovers have decided to pay on their own to have pet-foods tested, most notably Don Earl. Drop by Pet Connection Blog to read the rest. It's a shame but we can't depend on the pet food companies to provide us...

