Wet Wednesday

Wet Wednesday

This is the new Water Cooler. Gourmet Elite  Pet Refilling Water Dish by Bergan. On the advice of our friends we had hoped to get something with a stainless steel dish,  but we couldn't find anything suitable. The one Stainless Steel Refilling Water Dish we found had bad reviews so we decided not to try it.  Especially as the design was very similar to our old water dish which we didn't like at all.

Overall we like our new Water Dish. It holds 3 gallons of water, and the water seems to stay much cleaner then our old dish. Mommy has noticed we are drinking out of this refilling water dish way more then we did our old one. We also likes the blue color of the dish. And it was very reasonably priced. We also liked it was made in the USA, and is  BPA-free.

Our one complaint is that 3 gallons of water is very heavy. Mommy has trouble lifting it to put it on the dish, thus the water spilled on the floor. It would be nice if it had an opening on the top for refilling. Mommy so wishes she had thought of that before buying this. 
It also makes a bit of noise when you drinks all the water and it refills, it doesn't bother me but it startled Tuiren at first. She got used to it though and drinks out of the dish just fine now.

So mostly we are happy we gives it 3 paws, the only complaint being how heavy it is for your person to lift to put in place.  ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

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