What my readers think about homeschooling

What my readers think about homeschooling

69% think homeschooling is a great educational choice, available to anyone.

30% think homeschooling is a valid educational choice but they don't think everyone can homeschool.

0% were opposed to homeschooling.

- The Importance Of Independent Homeschooling
Many non-homeschoolers ask why homeschoolers who are doing a good job are opposed to stricter regulations regarding homeschooling. Here are some of the reasons. Homeschoolers have seen time and again how petty Department of Education Bureaucrats and Public...

- The Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling
At first I couldn't think of any cons but then I realized that while all parents wonder IF they are doing the right thing and IF they have made the right choice homeschoolers may do this more then most as it's all on us if Little Johnny or Susie...

- From Hem
Read these two excellent post by Larry & Susan Kaseman at HEM. Convincing Others We Don't Want Homeschooling Legislation - Larry and Susan Kaseman, have some excellent ideas for safe guarding our homeschooling freedoms. They will even allow you...

- Things To Ponder
Would You Let Them Scan Your Child? One family said NO, but their child was still scanned. Still, a substitute teacher's mistake proved just how vulnerable children who opt out can be. "They rounded up all the kids in our son's class and they...

- Join The Great School Debate On Dr. Phil
You can join the Great School Debate on Dr. Phil, by clicking here. The episode is suppose to air on Friday. Needless to say I won't be watching it. Dana and her husband, Joe, call themselves radical unschoolers, for some reason Dr. Phil choose them...

