From HEM

From HEM

Read these two excellent post by Larry & Susan Kaseman at HEM.

Convincing Others We Don't Want Homeschooling Legislation - Larry and Susan Kaseman, have some excellent ideas for safe guarding our homeschooling freedoms. They will even allow you to use their ideas in a brochure, spelling out why homeschoolers do not want homeschooling legislation.

Larry and Susan Kaseman ask Does Homeschooling Have To Be Political?
Homeschooling is perceived as a threat by The most powerful interest groups in our society: the educational establishment. That's conventional schools, teachers unions, textbook publishers, educational software people. Now that's a giant you don't want to upset. Really, we didn't mean to waken it. We just wanted to quietly homeschool our kids, just follow our principles and beliefs and let other people follow theirs. Isn't America the land of the free? Shouldn't we be able to do this? But upset the giant we did, big time!

If we are not vigilant the giant will swallow us hole, this post explains why every homeschooler has to be politically active.

- What My Readers Think About Homeschooling
69% think homeschooling is a great educational choice, available to anyone. 30% think homeschooling is a valid educational choice but they don't think everyone can homeschool. 0% were opposed to homeschooling. ...

- The Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling
At first I couldn't think of any cons but then I realized that while all parents wonder IF they are doing the right thing and IF they have made the right choice homeschoolers may do this more then most as it's all on us if Little Johnny or Susie...

- Deep Thoughts
Deep Thought asked thought provoking questions in his post Who Decides? Part II In my introduction to education and homeschooling I discussed my conversation with Prof. Rob Reich, who is seen as an opponent by most homeschoolers, and his view that parents...

- Politics, Citizenship And Homeschooling
You Aren't A Good Citizen If You Homeschool! One poster on the Dr. Phil Board adamantly maintained that homeschoolers were shutting the door on their communities and were bad citizens simple because they didn't use the public schools to educate...

- Educational News
Homeschoolers are a very diverse group contrary to what some people think. For the Native American Homeschoolers amongst us The Native American Homeschool Association and Native American Homeschoolers are two groups you may want to check out. *********************************************************************************...

