Who's Who...Part 1

Who's Who...Part 1

Believe it or not,
we have flown the coop!
We are gone....to Alaska!!

It has been so many years since Hubbs and I took a vacation all to ourselves.
This year we did it!
A small army of friends are family are taking care of our beloved critters in our absence.

 While we are gone, there will still be a daily post on our blog.
(You all made me feel so loved with your comments about reading this blog...
I couldn't just leave you for two weeks without a daily treat!)

We thought it might be fun to do a "Who's Who Around the Farm" each day...
giving all of our beloved animals a short showcase.

For those of you who are new to this blog,
this will give you an opportunity to meet our cast of characters.
(And believe me, they ARE characters!)

To get us rolling....
Ginger and Maryann volunteered to go first.
(Everybody loves Ginger and MaryAnn!)
These two are our one-year-old Kunekune Pig sisters.

If you are not familiar with Kunekunes,
they originally came from New Zealand and at one time were in danger of extinction.
Because of their gentle nature and "petite" stature, they have grown in popularity
amongst hobby farmers...
thereby increasing their numbers substantially.
They are the vegetarian cousin of the pig, eating mostly grass and weeds.

MaryAnn is our most outgoing of the two.

She loves frequent belly rubs and ear scritches.

Swim in her pool, napping, and wallowing in her mud, and napping again
are her favorite activities!

If you have never seen a pig yawn, you just did!

Ginger is the showier of the two.

Brown and white as a baby, she has turned mostly black and white now.
Like MaryAnn, Ginger is also quite friendly and loves human contact...
second only to eating!

We love, love, love our pigs.
(And are missing them terribly right now!)

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