Why Homeschool: NEA Resolutions

Why Homeschool: NEA Resolutions

Why Homeschool: NEA Resolutions

- Consent Of The Governed: Utah Homeschool Mom Threatened With Jail
Consent Of The Governed: Utah Homeschool Mom Threatened With Jail I have to agree with Judy, I wonder what facts have been left out of WND's version of the Utah Homeschool Mom's story. It'll be interesting to see what new facts come to light...

- Peacefully Homeschooling Amid Diversity
If The Homeschool Blog Awards haven't achieved anything else the acrimony caused by 'the rules' have proved how diverse a bunch we are. It's too bad that many of us are unable to recognize the validity of homeschool bloggers who hold differing...

- Why Homeschool: Nea Resolutions
Why Homeschool: NEA Resolutions ...

- Secular Guide To Homeschooling
Mother Crone is hard at work on a secular guide to homeschooling, you can read about it and how she is following through with the rest of her resolutions in her post On Writing & Such. ...

- Happy New Year Wherever You Are
PEAK Gulf Coast is planning a Chinese New Year, I really do have to start working on it after Christmas, although I do have the library meeting room reserved for Feb 19th, so (sigh) that's one thing out of the way. Anyway when I got my Teacher's...

