Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday

 Mommy captured this picture of Mr. Gander before the Geese departed. We thinks he looks nice posing with the Water Lilies.

We are having really weird weather, it is very windy and much to cold for May. We are purring our plants survive. ~AFSS

- Wildlife Wednesday & Happy Birthday Marg
Graphic by Ann of ZoolatryOur friend Marg from Marg's Animals is having a birthday today. We want to wish her a Happy Birthday. She is a good friend who helps all in the cat/dog/donkey/etc blogosphere, we have really enjoyed getting to know her and...

- Wednesday
 Our Clematis bloomed and now we knows that it is PINK.  The Butterfly Weed is doing pawsome. Someone said it was nice to see the flowers blooming before the cold weather came.  It will be awhile before we have really cold weather or...

- Wild Wednesday
 There are some new Geese visiting our pond.  Mommy thinks she saw the Geese Family on her way to the Grocery Store. She said the goslings had gotten big and she hopes Mr Gander & Mrs Goose will keep them out of the road, which is where...

- Fenris Friday
 I don't care if it is cold and windy out I want to go for a walk. For those of you envying our 70 degree weather it is in the 30's now and Mommy's sniffles are back. She says it is because of the cold and the wind.  Hurry up Mom...

- Scylla On Sunday
This is the last picture we have of the Goose Family, it was taken April 1st (we are very late posting) and the next day the whole family was gone. We hopes they wandered over to the meadow next door with the stream running through it and nice long grass....

