With Frost Looming....

With Frost Looming....

Yesterday was the last of our temperate October days...
says the weatherman.

With temps in the low 60's, I took the opportunity to get some outdoor work done.
Mowing for the last time, raking leaves and cleaning the pasture were the chores of the day.

As I drove the gator through the front pasture picking up manure,
the pigs were snuggled in their stall sleeping comfortably beneath their heat lamp.

Nighttime temperatures are consistently low, now...
so the girls must have their warmth!

Here is a good illustration of one of the temperament differences between my
horses and my donkeys.
As I work outside the horses' fence, they ignore me... munching on hay.

The donkeys, however, stop whatever they are doing and come over to the fence. 

Donkeys are such social creatures and love interaction with humans!

"Hi Mom!" says Chloe, through the fence.

"Hey, don't forget me!" adds Daphne.

"We love you, Mom!".... 
(I am sure that's what these two smiling donkeys are saying!)

Horses, on the other hand, say... "Got food?"

Oooohhhhh... I don't believe Ollie has been brushing his teeth!
(This is what happens, kids, if you don't brush your teeth!)

When the rest of the work was finished, 
we headed to the garden to harvest the remaining vegetables.

With the exception of more lettuce, chard, kale, cabbage and some carrots and beets,
this is the end of this summer's garden.
We have supplied our own produce for the past 6 months...
and saved a lot on groceries!
It's sad to put the garden to bed for the winter,
but it will give me a little extra time for other activities instead.

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