Worn out Wednesday with Yin and Yang!

Worn out Wednesday with Yin and Yang!

Holidays are very tiring.

Yin has to help Mommy make menus, and grocery list.

We make sure we make time to cuddle with each other.

It's a good way to stay warm.

Our bed is shrinking, we both can't fit in it at the same time anymore.

We also make time to play.

I likes to sleep with Youngest.

We take naps together sometimes.

Going to the veterinarian is very tiring too. Can you believe our Mommy left us there all day yesterday? I thought her and Tuiren were never going to get there to pick us up.

Yin, likes to sleep in boxes like Socks does.

Yang, too cute for words reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: Happy Birthday Grandma Hazel!!!!!!!!!

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