Playtime with Yin and Yang

Playtime with Yin and Yang

I get into everything. My favorite pastime during the Holidays was whapping the ornaments off the tree.  I broke Youngest Boy Bean's ceramic Star. Daddy promised to fix it so I will not be permanently in the doghouse.

I am not sure why being in the doghouse would be a bad thing. Tuiren's doghouse looks comfy. I likes to scratch, thankfully I likes to use the toys made for scratching.

Sometimes I get still, I usually fall asleep shortly after I get still. I do NOT like to be woke up.

Mommy loves the cute little purrs and chirps I make when I see her. ~Yin, reporting for ATCAD
I likes watching bird TV.

You can even hear them.

But for some reason you can't touch them. They seem to be imprisoned in this weird thing. They must be awfully skinny birds to fit in there though. And this was really scary. There were cats that looked just like me and Yin, running around playing in there with toys that looked like ours. I hopes I don't get sucked into the screen. ~Yang, reporting for ATCAD

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