Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..." Well, how about New Years. We have had a few small snows over the month of December...not enough to add up to much. This morning we awoke to a magnificent scene. We had about 3 inches of snow during the night and it was just enough to cover everything with a fluffy blanket of cold.

- The Magic Of Snow
Sunday morning we awoke to a fresh blanket of snow.I am still in that part of the wintertime where snow excites me.In December and January, I view the snow through romantic eyes...through magical memories of childhood days. First snows. White Christmases....

- Uh, Oh!
So, yesterday we spoke of Spring.You must understand that I wrote that post on Sunday night. Monday (yesterday) morning I awoke to this....We were prepared for 2 1/2 inches of rain and colder temps,but we were unprepared for this.This ended up being our...

- Frosty Morning
I awoke to a clear, frosty morning today....perhaps the coldest yet this year. As I was doing the morning chores, the only sound was the distant "who-who-whowho-who-who-whowho" of a great horned owl. The snow remains on the ground, continuing to make...

- Addendum To Today's Post
Here is what greeted me this morning as I went out for morning chores....another three inches of snow fell during the night. Unfortunately the snow turned to rain, making this morning's chores a bit soggy. I opened the barn and chased Rod out of...

- Easter Morning.....brrrrrr
Just when we thought Spring had arrived....Mother Nature has brought us up short. We awoke this morning, looked outside , and for a moment thought perhaps it was Christmas, not Easter. A soft 3 inch blanket of snow had covered the farm during the night....

