A Smidge of This And That

A Smidge of This And That

Today's post has no story line...
it's just a smidgen and a smattering of little things from around the farm...
things that I come across and save to share with you.

It seems to be reptile season here.
There isn't a day that I don't see at least one of these...

or (eeeeek) these....

Garden work has quickly become an early morning, or late evening activity
as temperatures have skyrocketed into the 90's during the afternoon.

Pulling weeds, watering...
are all done with the same crew.

The turkeys...

The cats... TomTom and Moll Flanders vying for attention...
commonly ends something like this...

Don't mess with Moll!

Look closely at TomTom's face....I detect a bit of a pout!

And across from the garden...
casual observers...always looking for some action...

The fairy garden is in need of some pruning.

It will soon become a fairy jungle unless I do a little bonsai work on it!

I swear these fairies are garden fairies.
Every morning when making my garden rounds,
I find more and more vegetables popping out from the foliage...

as if some little fairy helper sprinkled a generous helping of fairy dust on them during the night.
Aren't gardens magical?

I am constantly in a state of awe at how all of this grows from a single seed.

Did you know???
You can eat the chive blossom.

It looks pretty pulled apart and sprinkled on the top of a salad...
and tastes.... well....chivey!

And last but never least...
 because I think this just might be the sweetest thing on the farm....

Who can resist this adorable little schnoz?

[whispering] I've kissed this adorable nose once or twice.
Yes I have.

- Inquiring Minds....en Guard! (ening)
Janice asked:  "Enjoyed your fairy garden. How do you decide on what to put in it each year. And your beautiful flower gardens. Do you save the seeds from the year before??? Thanks, now i know what i have, lack of sunshine and the outside jobs, wow...

- Spring Fever...the Donkey Way
Spring does crazy things to us all! I am really not sure what was up with Chloe and Daphne yesterday,however... when they came in to their dry lot from having pasture time,they were all wound up. They kept spinning circles...nose to butt... nibbling...

- The Big Reveal
We seem to be in a patch of grey, drizzly days. The skies were ominous most of yesterday, but the rain held off until night, giving me a chance to get some outside work done. After morning chores, and a trip to my local greenhouse, I planted Violas in...

- Garden Magic
Spring has arrived and once again my garden beckons to me.I have been preparing my garden boxes and planting some cool weather plants.Although, if the present weather trend continues,I'll be able to plant a whole lot more very soon! For now, though,...

- Fairy Garden
I 've been working in the garden.... planting, pruning, mulching. But it's not what you might think.No,it's not my vegetable garden,or even the gardens around the house. No, this is a teeny tiny garden,just created. It's a secret garden...

